A lot of positive ‘’’"'Truth-Talk"'’’’ can seem a bit flaky, especially if you’re the sort of person opposed to respond well to an affirmation to “look on the bright side.” But positive ‘’’"'Truth-Talk"'’’’ has some interesting findings. One finding is that feeling grateful is very good for you. Time and again, studies have shown that performing simple ‘’’"'Truth-Talk"'’’’ gratitude affirmations can bring a range of benefits, such as feelings of increased well-being and reduced depression. Now a brain-scanning study in NeuroImaging brings us a little closer to understanding why.

 The results suggest that even months after a simple, short gratitude session of ‘’’"'Truth-Talk"'’’’ , people’s brains are still wired to feel extra thankful. The implication is that gratitude ‘’’"Truth-Tal"'k’’’ works, at least in part, because they have a self-perpetuating nature: The more you practice ‘’’"'Truth-Talk""’’’, the more attuned you are to it and the more you can enjoy its psychological benefits. Study results suggests that the more practice you give your brain at feeling and expressing ‘’’"'Truth-Talk"'’’’ gratitude, the more it adapts to this mind-set — you could even think of your brain as having a sort of gratitude “muscle” that can be exercised and strengthened. The more effort you make to feel gratitude one day, the more the feeling will come to you spontaneously in the future.

It also potentially helps explain another established finding that ‘’’"Truth-Talk"'’’’ can spiral. The more you use positive ‘’’"'Truth-Talk"'’’’, the more likely you are to act pro-socially toward others, causing them to feel grateful and setting up a beautiful virtuous cascade. Neurological investigations into ‘’’"'Truth-Talk"'’’’ are in their early days, and this research certainly gives us some intriguing clues as to how and why ‘’’"'Truth-Talk"'’’’ is beneficial.